Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Please Pray

David went to his doctor in Lubbock today and didn't get such good news. He has been a severe asthma sufferer for his entire life, but it has just in the last 3 or so years gotten a lot worse. He and Matthew both see the same allergy doc in Lubbock who has been working on trying to get David better since December of 2008. Today, the doctor informed him that he has what is called Paradoxical Langospasm. Basically they don't know what causes the disease, but there isn’t' a cure and the medication to control is just kind of trial and error. Some people react to one thing and some to others. He is on 8 different medications currently to control the asthma and allergies, and the doctor added one more today saying that if it doesn't work, that he will just have to have breathing treatments every 4-6 hours, in-definitely, plus continue his current regiment of medications. There are a lot of things we need to change about our daily lives to help control this, but he is still sick, and the doctor says he won't really go away either . Please pray for healing from the ULTIMATE HEALER. We know he can do all things, we just need to ask. I ask that you please say that prayer for David as we try to make this less difficult on him. In His Love,Elizabeth Tapp