Thursday, November 15, 2012

Pray for healing!!

My friend Billie Pearson ask me to pray for her daughter Sherry Hackler.  Billie knows the Father and she knows He can make her daughter well.  Sherry Hackler has been diagnosed with Stage 3 Brain cancer.  She has three young children at home.  She is the only family that Billie has left.  So, please pray with me for healing, strength,and knowledge for the doctors that are taking care of Sherry.  Pray that our Father will see that Sherry is needed to be a mother to her children.  We don't know what His plans are for each of us and we don't know what time He will take each of us.  but right now Sherry and Billie needs  our prayers.  Thank you for your prayers.
Your Brother in Christ,
Frank James