Our Grandson went home but he is not out of the woods yet.
So please continue to pray for his healing. He will be able to return
to school by the end of the week but he cannot participate in P. E. until
February seventeenth. He is a very active young man. For those who
do not know on December first my grandson Derrek Clements who lives
in Canyon was riding a dirt bike and he ran into a fence. He had a ruptured
spleen and was in ICU for a couple of days. December first was his eighth
birthday. He has had to be out of school for eleven days. This boy loves
school and plays baseball, football and soccer. So to keep him corralled
until February seventeenth is going to be a real chore so maybe we need
to pray for Jim and Misty also. Thanks for all your prayers.
Your brother and sister in Christ,
Frank and Juana James